6 Evolve Esplanade, Wollert VIC 3750

Buying a home in a relatively new estate presents some unique challenges for a building inspector.  Often as the homes are only a year or more old, there are relatively few building problems to be identified.

It may cause you to question the worth of the inspection but as was the case in this inspection a number of issues were identified which were really more an issue to be raised with the builders or developer.  Certainly if you are purchasing the property from the first owner of the building they may not even be aware these defects with the construction of the new home exist.

Properties of this age are still under a warranty and perhaps even a retention period within the first 12 months.  A bond may be being held in the event of any defects becoming evident in the first 12 months which may be claimed against to enable rectification.

Examples that we have seen in the past include things like:

  • Stormwater drains not being connected resulting in significant chances of developing rising damp, mould, site soil subsidence during storms and even invalidating the termite management system warranty
  • Insulation not being installed – not a single bat.  Not even sure how that’s possible but it has happened on some jobs in the past
  • Some estates have had specific or known issues affecting multiple homes in that development, subsidence and cracking being a significant problem. A building inspector familiar with the area is likely to know about the history of the development and any issues it has had.

If you are considering buying a relatively new home, don’t think a building inspection is not needed.  It is its just that it won’t pick up defects due to maintenance issues or wear and tear, it will pick up on building defects that were not identified when the property was handed over to the builder.
For more information on what we look for during handover inspections of new homes under construction CLICK HERE.

If you need an inspection of a home being purchased on a new estate, submit the details here and our inspector will contact you as soon as possible.